上一次我們測試了autogen + gpt4的抓股價並畫圖的功能

這次我們再來試試,請他判別該股價是否trend up or trend down


只改動 task,請他辦別該股價是趨勢向上、向下、還是持平

task =check trend up, tend down or stable of stock price of 'TSM','META','TSLA' and 'MSFT', stock price date form this month begin to current YTD."


user_proxy (to coder): check trend up, tend down or stable of stock price of 'TSM','META','TSLA' and 'MSFT', stock price date form this month bengin to current YTD.
coder (to user_proxy): To solve this task, we can use the `yfinance` library in Python,
which allows us to download stock price data from Yahoo Finance.
We will download the data for the specified stocks from the beginning of this month to the current date.
Then, we will calculate the trend of each stock by comparing the latest price with the price at the beginning of the month.
If the latest price is higher, the trend is up. If it's lower, the trend is down.
If it's the same, the trend is stable. Here is the Python code to perform this task:
import yfinance as yf
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
# Define the stocks and the date range stocks = ['TSM', 'META', 'TSLA', 'MSFT']
start_date = datetime(datetime.now().year, datetime.now().month, 1)
end_date = datetime.now()
# Download the stock data data = yf.download(stocks, start=start_date, end=end_date)
# Calculate the trend
for each stock for stock in stocks:
first_price = data['Close'][stock].iloc[0]
last_price = data['Close'][stock].iloc[-1]
if last_price > first_price:
print(f"The trend for {stock} is up.")
elif last_price < first_price:
print(f"The trend for {stock} is down.")
print(f"The trend for {stock} is stable.")

除了給了code,並且還將結論summary成下面的文字,但是我們可以從程式碼上發現他的邏輯只是將第一天與最後一天的股價做大小比較判斷,當最後一天比前一次的高,就判別試trend up


coder (to user_proxy):

The code has been executed successfully and the trends for the stocks from the beginning of this month to the current date are as follows:

- The trend for TSM (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited) is down.
- The trend for META (Meta Platforms Inc., formerly Facebook) is down.
- The trend for TSLA (Tesla, Inc.) is down.
- The trend for MSFT (Microsoft Corporation) is up.




task =check trend up, tend down or stable of stock price of 'TSM','META','TSLA' and 'MSFT',
by statistical method to judge,
stock price date form this month begin to current YTD."


# python code
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from datetime import datetime

# Define the stocks
stocks = ['TSM', 'META', 'TSLA', 'MSFT']

# Get the current date
now = datetime.now()

# Get the first day of this month
start_date = datetime(now.year, now.month, 1)

# Download the stock data
data = yf.download(stocks, start=start_date, end=now) 

# For each stock, perform a linear regression on the closing prices
for stock in stocks:
    closing_prices = data['Close'][stock].dropna()
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(np.arange(len(closing_prices)), closing_prices)
    # Based on the slope of the regression line, determine if the stock price is trending up, down, or stable
    if slope > 0:
        trend = 'up'
    elif slope < 0:
        trend = 'down'
        trend = 'stable'
    print(f'The trend of {stock} is {trend}.')


coder (to user_proxy):

The code has been executed successfully and the trends for the stocks from the beginning of this month to the current date are as follows:

- The trend for TSM (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited) is up.
- The trend for META (Meta Platforms Inc., formerly Facebook) is up.
- The trend for TSLA (Tesla, Inc.) is up.
- The trend for MSFT (Microsoft Corporation) is down.

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例如 +/1 0.1







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    Cheng yichung

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